
5 Ways to Your Best Year: Fix Your Focus

In the past few weeks we’ve discussed the importance of failing forward, forgiving others and “friending” wisely. Now, it’s time to FOCUS! But, in a world rife with distractions, finding the time to get focused can prove challenging. While the change we want starts when we begin to think differently, it will only be realized when we act differently.
I, too, sometimes struggle with focus as I encounter repeated distractions. This leads to unnecessary pressure and a sense of being overwhelmed. During those seasons, “there’s not enough time” becomes my mantra!

But, getting focused is a simple matter of making small adjustments that have a compound effect over time. Here are some fixes I use when feeling frazzled:
1. Downsize: Too many activities is the set up for “broken focus.” We must learn to differentiate our “want to’s” from our “must do’s.” You can only reach the top, one step at a time. Focus on your next step.

Science shows us the power of focused light — it becomes a laser. Likewise, focused effort is a powerful and precise laser capable of cutting through all the obstacles impeding your progress.

It’s time to focus your light in one direction. Decide what your priorities are for the next phase of your life and then let focused use of your time, talent and resources make you laser sharp in achieving them.

2. Dare to Say NO: When asked to identify THE single thing that most contributed to his success in business, billionaire Warren Buffet’s responded that it was his ability to “say no to 99 out of every 100 opportunities” that came his way. If an opportunity doesn’t serve your current priorities, it isn’t for you! Learning how to say “no” to the wrong things opens the door for the right opportunities to present themselves. It might not make you popular, but it will set you free.

Don’t let your life be a mere reaction to what happens in everyone else’s. Let focus put you back in the driver’s seat. You have to know when to say “no.” It doesn’t necessarily make you a hero to put other’s needs above your own. Too often, it just breaks your focus.

3. Do The Small Stuff: It’s been said, you can eat an elephant one bite at a time. The huge goals that scare you can be achieved by breaking them down. How do you lose 50 pounds? Tackle one pound at a time. On the way to 50, take the time to celebrate every five and ten pound milestone. It will keep you hopeful, focused and energized.

One last note: Just as important as what you do are the things you need to stop doing. Stop wasting serious time on casual people. Stop investing time in activities that don’t yield results.

Live It! Practice being present. Start eliminating areas of multi-tasking in daily routines. For instance, when you sit down to eat…eat. No TV, no texting, no phone…just eat and enjoy the experience. If you’re used to being distracted, it will be uncomfortable at first, but after a few meals of being fully present, you’ll begin to notice a change in the quality of the experience. Once you master it in one area of life, it will be easier to apply it to more. 


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