
Not having a time management system in place to support you leaves a gap. Because of that gap, time flies by but nothing gets done. Find the tool that fits for you and create a system around that tool.

- Getting back to business can be a rough shift, especially if things were out of order before your summer fun started. Get back into the swing of things by getting organized! It might seem like a chore or you might feel as though you don't have time. You can't afford to not be organized.
Organize your office space in a way that allows you to find anything in no time flat. So many people waste time just looking for things and that time adds up. When you lose time, you lose money. Get rid of things you no longer need, archive files that you need to keep and mark them with a date that they can be destroyed. Once your office is organized, determine how to maintain it so that you don't find yourself back at square one a few months down the line.

- Sheila Hawkins -


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