Elevate Me

Elevation {Third Eye Open} = Our top tier esoteric/spiritual consulting package covers three or more life areas or dimensions that are a priority for the individual with spirituality as the anchor. Spirit is defined as breath and spirituality from the Elevate me perspective is the pursuit of the origin and relationship with the source of the breath of life. The areas that are overarching in our lives include the physical, financial, emotional, experiential (what we experience), occupational, mental, and spiritual. We work with the individual to enhance these areas and shift perspective so that we can live in the flow of life anstead of the throws of life. We provide 9 sessions plus the initial 30 minute discovers along with 9 enhancements and supports the majority of which are customized for the individual. Contact us for the free thirty-minute discovery to get all of your questions answered.
Peace, Love and Joy



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