What is the difference between a Coach, Counselor, Therapist, and Psychiatrist
What is the difference between a Coach, Counselor, Therapist, and Psychiatrist?
A coach is someone who motivates you to accomplish your goals. When we think of coaches we think of sports and the individuals responsible for training and leading a team or athlete to win. A personal coach does much of the same thing. Like many primary school level sports coaches, to become a life coach you only need a little experience and the desire to help others do well and win in their personal lives. There are many classes, especially online, that support individuals who want to move into this professional space. There is the gold standard of Life or Professional Coaching certification that a coach can receive through the ICF or International Coach Federation. For now, there is no national regulation for Life or Professional Coaching.
A counselor is someone who provides professional guidance either academically or personally (to address behavioral, mental or emotional challenges) and can also be used in professional consultation. Counseling is a long-standing profession that is rooted in education and is nationally regulated. Professional counselors have a master’s degree or higher in counseling and are licensed by their state.
A therapist is traditionally described as a health professional and possesses a degree with experience requirements by their specific profession. There are physical, occupational, speech, and nutritional therapists that deal with physical health. On the behavioral/social/emotional/mental health side, there are Master level Social Workers (MSW), Master level psychologists (MA/MS), and PhD psychologists. Any of the Human Behavioral sciences at the Master’s level of education or higher may be considered a therapist if they gain licensure in their state or region. The historical context for the term for behavioral health therapists is gleaned from the hospital setting that employed psychologists and medical Social Workers.
Those at the level of doctor of emotional/mental health with the right to prescribe needed medication, are psychiatrists who possess a Medical Doctor’s degree (MD). All of the professionals indicated above, are state and board regulated and possess a license in their profession and or specialty.
Social workers, psychologists, and addictions specialists must receive on approximately 40 hours of continuing education to renew their licenses every two to three years. Your coach/counselor/therapist will seek education on the latest methods of human intervention, if this is a part of their value system, ethics or licensing requirement. A savvy client would seriously consider those with licensure who have a mandatory requirement for continuing education.
As a licensed, master level, board certified social worker, I have been providing therapy post master’s degree for over 20 years. If you include my experience in peer counseling, substance abuse and delinquency counseling completed during and post bachelor’s degree, I have been in the business of helping people define and reach their goals for almost 25 years. In addition to my License in Social Work and Board Certification, I am also an Internationally Certified Advanced Addictions Counselor. This means I can provide addictions counseling (including supporting any co-occurring mental/emotional disorders) in Canada, Mexico, Greece, and Spain (just to name a few). In Michigan, I hold Certifications as a Clinical Supervisor (I can supervise clinical programs and other master level and substance abuse professionals) and Prevention Counselor (I can provide professional prevention services).
I bring my education and professional experience leading and helping others to be an Esoteric Consultant (or support Life Actualization)
During my practice as a medical social worker and as a director of programs my favorite people to work with were and are the spiritually adept and entrepreneurs. I have worked with individuals from age 2 to 104 years old! I love people and truly believe everyone has a purpose and is meant to impact the world powerfully. I would be honored to take a few steps with you, along your life’s wondrous adventure! Connect with me at all me at https://elevateme.org/appointments for a free consultation.
Wishing you the very best of life!
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